Out on a Limn, February 19, 2017

This portion of our worship service called “Out on a Limn*” is designed to give a “visual or practical application” of our main theme for a particular worship service. This “Limn” was part of our series, The Other Approach, and you can listen to the accompanying sermon, "Meeting the Needs of the Other," by clicking here.   *limn–to depict or illustrate visually or in words

Out on a Limn, February 5, 2017

This portion of our worship service called “Out on a Limn*” is designed to give a “visual or practical application” of our main theme for a particular worship service. This “Limn” was part of our series, The Other Approach, and you can listen to the accompanying sermon, “Listening to the Other,” by clicking here.   *limn–to depict or illustrate visually or in words

Out on a Limn 161113

This portion of our worship service called “Out on a Limn*” is designed to give a “visual or practical application” of our main theme for a particular worship service. This “Limn” was part of our series, Major Hits of the Minor Prophets, and you can listen to the accompanying sermon, "Just Believing," by clicking here.   *limn–to depict or illustrate visually or in words

Out on a Limn

This portion of our worship service called "Out on a Limn*" is designed to give a "visual or practical application" of our main theme for a particular worship service. In this "Limn," Dane first rehearsed a little of the history of how God blessed our church from our earliest days by directing our steps to the Community Center as a worship space. Then, two of our wonderful volunteers, Beth Shaw and Jesus Caban, gave testimonies of what volunteering means to them at River's Edge. This "Limn" was part of our annual "State of the Ministry" Sunday, and you can listen to the sermon for this service by clicking here. *limn--to depict or illustrate visually or in words

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