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Mark This Down, Part 1
You either hate or love Tom Swiftie puns. If you hate them, I am sorry. If you love them, well,
Seeking Advice from the Dead
You need to know the context. Last Sunday, my sermon introduction was a dud. I talked about a question that
The Evil Down Jubilee Street
It seems that demons are everywhere in the movies. You could even say that they are one of the rare
Who’s Watching the Watchers
I do not like Bible movies. Let me begin by saying, I didn’t watch The Bible: In the Beginning. I
The Birds and the Demons
In the preface to C.S. Lewis’ classic book, The Screwtape Letters, there is a warning about how one should think
What Happened to the Sheets?
When Star Wars first came out, my aunt and uncle saw the movie and fell immediately in love with this
The Story That Is a Question, Part 3
It is no longer a news flash: The Christmas story is not a story; it’s a question. How is that possible?
The Story That Is a Question, Part 2
Everyone calls it the Christmas story. You probably call it the Christmas story. But the point of the Christmas story
The Story That Is a Question
Everyone calls it the Christmas story. You probably call it the Christmas story. But the point of the Christmas story
Giving Thanks, God’s Will and the Gift of Great Perspective
Carl Sandburg, the great American writer, tells a story of when he was in university. His roommate was unable to