Ways to give

  • Check
  • Cash
  • Electronic

About giving

At River’s Edge, we want to promote financial responsibility when it comes to giving. With an online giving service, River’s Edge would incur fees both to operate the service itself and to pay a required percentage of each gift or tithe given via that service. At this time, we don’t feel this is a proper use of our finances.

There are, however, still ways to setup giving through your online banking system: simply create a one-time or recurring bill payment that is sent to River’s Edge. We also would encourage you to be fiscally wise and not give via any interest-incurring method, such as a credit card or line of credit.

The most important thing is to give cheerfully, out of your heart. Pray first.

We also hope those who visit River’s Edge as guests feel no obligation to participate in the financial offering.  The financial offering is designed as a way for the members of River’s Edge to honor their commitment to contribute to God’s work, both here and around the world.