Grace in Ephesus, Part 2

This sermon is based on Ephesians 2:1-10. You can also view each week's sermon/worship service on our YouTube Channel: SERIES OVERVIEW: ____: If ___ ___ hear ____ ___ the ________, you're going to be  ___ ___ ___ ____ .  You ___ also ___ ___ feel ___ out. You ____ also ____ ____ aids.  I said: “Listen: If you only hear half of the conversation, you’re going to be at a real disadvantage.  You are also going to feel left out. You might also need hearing aids.” But that is what happens whenever we read the letters in the New Testament. We are only hearing half the conversation! And that is not good because you can then misread (mishear?) what the author is trying to communicate. Bottom line: Without knowing the background, you are going to be at a real disadvantage. You may even need reading aids! For instance, take the book of

Grace in Ephesus

This sermon is based on Ephesians 2:1-10. You can also view each week's sermon/worship service on our YouTube Channel: SERIES OVERVIEW: ____: If ___ ___ hear ____ ___ the ________, you're going to be  ___ ___ ___ ____ .  You ___ also ___ ___ feel ___ out. You ____ also ____ ____ aids.  I said: “Listen: If you only hear half of the conversation, you’re going to be at a real disadvantage.  You are also going to feel left out. You might also need hearing aids.” But that is what happens whenever we read the letters in the New Testament. We are only hearing half the conversation! And that is not good because you can then misread (mishear?) what the author is trying to communicate. Bottom line: Without knowing the background, you are going to be at a real disadvantage. You may even need reading aids! For instance, take the book of

By Grace Alone

By the time the Reformation was in full swing, everyone knew the gospel could be reduced to the "Five Solas" (think of them as the Reformation's "five spiritual laws," but in Latin).  Now Latin has a way of making things sound truly impressive, but the word "sola" simply means "alone" or "only."  Herein lies the glory of the Reformation.  They proclaimed that the gospel came by grace alone, was embraced by faith alone, by Scripture alone, through Christ alone and for the glory of God alone. Five short statements.  And in these we hear the very essence of the gospel. This introductory sermon in our series examines the first of these "solas": By Grace Alone (based on Ephesians 2:1-10).

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