Wrestling with God

This sermon is based on Genesis 32:22-30. You can also view each week's sermon/worship service on our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5ncsq_QNvCv61bIwKUpP5A SERIES OVERVIEW: Jacob in the Bible was a schemer, a swindler, a screw-up and a pretty shameful sinner; but somehow, he ended up as a patriarch and the father of the twelve tribes (it’s a mystery!). In any case, Jacob did one good thing (he asked his brother to forgive him) and one great thing—he wrestled with God. In that, Jacob was not alone. After all, Job wrestled with God and the teacher in Ecclesiastes wrestled with God and Hannah wrestled with God and Abraham wrestled with God (and there are more besides this). Now, contending with God doesn’t sound like a good idea, but as strange as it sounds, God invites us to wrestle with him with our hearts in the balance. That’s right, you’ve been invited to a skirmish.

The Story of a Spiritual Screw-Up

This sermon introduces our new series and is based on Genesis 32:22-30. You can also view each week's sermon/worship service on our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5ncsq_QNvCv61bIwKUpP5A SERIES OVERVIEW: Jacob in the Bible was a schemer, a swindler, a screw-up and a pretty shameful sinner; but somehow, he ended up as a patriarch and the father of the twelve tribes (it’s a mystery!). In any case, Jacob did one good thing (he asked his brother to forgive him) and one great thing—he wrestled with God. In that, Jacob was not alone. After all, Job wrestled with God and the teacher in Ecclesiastes wrestled with God and Hannah wrestled with God and Abraham wrestled with God (and there are more besides this). Now, contending with God doesn’t sound like a good idea, but as strange as it sounds, God invites us to wrestle with him with our hearts in the balance. That’s right, you’ve

Rooted in Struggle

This sermon is based on Genesis 32:22-30. SERIES OVERVIEW: Elie Wiesel once remarked, “God made man because He loves stories.” When you think of all the stories in the Bible, you may be convinced that Wiesel is absolutely right. There are stories everywhere in the Bible! There are stories about sin, about grace, about faith, about a lack of faith, about courage and hope and heartbreak There are origin stories, war stories, love stories, disturbing stories, and funny stories. There are stories about heroes and failures, about kings and ordinary people, about men and women and stories about good and evil. And that barely scratches the surface because the Bible is filled with stories. In fact, the Bible would be a very short book if it wasn’t for its stories. But these are not just entertaining tales. Most, if not all, of the stories in the Bible speak to who we

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