The Story That Is a Question

Everyone calls it the Christmas story. You probably call it the Christmas story. But the point of the Christmas story is that it is not a story at all. It is a question. And, to add insult to injury, if you don’t see the question, you’ll never get the story right. And it is not a brand-new question that no one had ever thought of before. It’s been around since the very beginning, but we still fail to ask it. Sadly, we are not alone in this, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s begin at the beginning.   Genesis 1 starts off with a remarkable claim. Eleven times in a chapter of thirty-one verses, we read that God spoke. It is an astounding claim. There are many who believe that God, if he even exists, is silent. But Genesis proves otherwise. Far from being silent, distant and unknowable, God comes