Love from Beginning to End

This sermon is based on Jonah 3:6 – 4:3. SERIES OVERVIEW: Yogi Berra once famously said: “In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.” I think we would agree. We all love the idea of loving others. After all, love is the definitive distinctive of a disciple of Jesus; and it’s our most memorable mandate, our most important imperative, and our most dynamic and decisive decree. That’s why it is called the Greatest Commandment. So, there you have it. In theory we love it! But then there’s practice. And loving everyone, everywhere and all the time just doesn’t seem all that practical. Now, don’t get me wrong. We love it as an idea, and we love to love people who love us and who are lovable, but some people just don’t fit that description (maybe because we don’t know them or maybe because we’ve known