Reading the Bible Edgewise

This script takes place at the Edge [youth group] on a typical Friday night. It’s a conversation between six friends about reading the Bible. Today, there are two big questions: “First, why do you read the Bible?” And then, “How do you go about reading it?” In other words, when we are reading the Bible, what should we be looking for? Enjoy.   Reader 1: I’m telling you, we got sidetracked a few weeks ago and never dealt with the question! Reader 2: What question?   Reader 1: Why did God give us the Bible?  Reader 3: Are you kidding me? That question? We’ve talked about that question a thousand times! Yeah, yeah, yeah -- wisdom, sin, redemption, God’s story of his people. I tell you, I’m tired of this question. In fact, I want a new question, something like, “Is there ever such a thing as a just war?” Or