Another Ordinary Conversation
This sermon is based on John 11: 17, 21-29, 32-44. You can also view each week's sermon/worship service on our YouTube Channel during the weeks we cannot meet due to Covid-19 restrictions: SERIES OVERVIEW: Some moments are ordinary, maybe even boring, definitely easily forgettable; but then there are the ones that endure in our memories forever. Those extraordinary moments are what make life rich and all the more so when they come out of nowhere. Jesus is at a dull and failing wedding; nothing to remember here. The disciples are plodding along on yet another boring boat. Not much can happen here that hasn’t happened to them a thousand times before. There’s a shared meal going on. It should be fun, but once again everyone is jockeying for their place at the table and fighting over status—truly boring. All of these are ordinary moments rated D for “Dull,” but