Give Me Love (Give Me Kierkegaard)
Let’s talk about love. More than that, let’s have a quiz about love or at least about song titles that contain the word, “love.” As you can see, I have removed a key word or two from these popular titles. Your task is to simply to fill in the blank(s). Here’s a sample question: Elton John: “____ ___ ____ the love tonight?” (I know! Giving you the artist is a big hint!). If you said, “Can You Feel,” you are ready to take the quiz. If you said something else, skip the quiz and go directly (but sadly) to the actual post. Let’s begin. Queen: “_______ _____ ____ Called Love” The Beatles: “All _____ _____ ____ Love” The Everly Brothers: “_____, ____ Love” Adele: “Send My Love (____ ____ ____ ____)” Taylor Swift: “Love _______” Bon Jovi: “You Give Love ___ ____ ____” Foreigner: “I Want ____ ____ What Love