From day one we’ve said that missions are at the heart of our church. And you can see all sorts of ways this idea has shaped our church (the budget, missionary updates, missions conferences, short-term mission trips, international ministries, etc.). But how does it shape us? How should we be different? I would argue that it should change us leaps and bounds (but more on “leaps” later). After all, it changed me. I used to HATE missions. I used to think missions were boring (and missionaries were even worse than that). And then a funny thing happened. I went on a mission trip, and it changed my life (okay, I was forced to go on this trip on pain of being fired, but I still went!). Bottom line: If I can have a change of heart about missions, anyone can! And maybe the first step to change is understanding the five commitments found in “leaps.” Join us in what should be an exciting study of God’s