Is God with Us?

This sermon introduces our new series and is based on Revelation 21:1-4. You can also view each week's sermon/worship service on our YouTube Channel during the weeks we cannot meet due to Covid-19 restrictions: SERIES OVERVIEW: Let me just say it: of all the times for the angel of the Lord to introduce the name, Immanuel (meaning God with us), to use it to announce to Joseph that Mary’s pregnancy was by the Holy Spirit was the worst. Why? Because from that point on, we have thought that Immanuel was a Christmas name and only properly used during Advent. Now, to be fair, Joseph was in a very difficult time and Israel was mourning in lonely exile there and that whole Caesar Augustus tax decree was extremely bitter (tax time always is), and those are all perfect occasions to remind us that God is with us. But somehow, we

Love for the Soul

This sermon is based on Revelation 21:1-4 and concludes this series. SERIES OVERVIEW: Goethe said it better than any of the other poets: “Everyone should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of their life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.” Here’s my question for you: If this is true, how are you feeding your soul’s need to touch transcendence? And how are we as a church inspiring you to seek God by seeing beauty? See, God has placed beauty in our souls so that we would find him not only in worship and in nature, but in some rather unexpected places as well, in art, in music, in wonder and in moments that take our breath away. True, all truth is God’s truth, but there’s something even

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