This sermon starts our new series and is based on Acts 17:16-31. You can also view each week’s sermon/worship service on our YouTube Channel during the weeks we cannot meet due to Covid-19 restrictions:
During the early days of the pandemic, John Krasinski produced a web series that brought good news to people when good news was in short supply. It was great, but it was a long time ago. There is a lot of bad news out there—pandemics, wildfires, hurricanes, racism, injustice, poverty, huge chunks of Greenland falling into the ocean, things like that. And unfortunately, there are many more things like that. And many of these things are causing people to question God’s goodness and to doubt that God exists. And that can’t be good. What we need today is some good news to counteract all this bad news so that our faith will be encouraged and we will be spurred on to love and good deeds. But in the midst of a global pandemic, where are we ever going to find such good news? Maybe, it comes from questions people have been asking for years. And maybe it comes from seeing how God has worked in the past. And maybe it comes from looking at how God is working today, even if he is doing much of that work behind the scenes. Welcome to Some Truly Good News.
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